Team Edward - Because Jacob Has Fleas

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Back in the swing of things

I know you must think I am the worst blogger now. I DO have an excuse though. As of course everyone knows, California was hit with the fires causing the biggest evacuation in California history!!! The fires got way too close to our apartment for comfort, but we were not close enough to be evacuated (thank goodness). That still did not stop me from packing up half my belongings and shipping Rosco off to John's mom Yukari's house - which I'm sure he didn't mind because his best buddy Mo lives there (another weenie dog)! Thankfully the fires left us alone and we were able to put all of our things back where they belong, but nothing seems to work right anymore!!! The tap water is getting gross and the batteries in everything are dying and our smoke alarm decided to go off! I would have posted earlier, but the keyboard for our computer is dead (I'm posting from work.... sshhhhhh). But I promise after I get some Wicked Awesome pictures of tomorrow (my whole office is dressing up, and the one person who said they weren't going to I threatened with the pirate costume, which is nowhere near inconspicuous) for everyone. I'll be the one dressed as the girl Jedi. That's all for now. Got to go back to work!!!

Monday, October 15, 2007


I really miss my old Roommate Mitsuru. He came here a couple of years ago from Japan to study abroad at Mira Costa College. Lucky for us, John met him through a friend at the school, and they became great surf buddies, and he eventually moved in with us. We had such a great time and learned so much from each other - we even called him Rosco's uncle. Now that he moved back it is just not the same. Although from all of the pictures of Japan that he has sent, I don't blame him for wanting to go back!!! It's beautiful there! And I'm sure his girlfriend missed him a lot too! Her name is Rika, and I got to get to know her when she flew out to the US to visit him. She's so nice, I hardly noticed that we didn't even speak the same language! His friend Hideki was the same way. I could have sworn that I had conversations with him without a translator! I'll have to get some pictures of him to put up on my blog.

Mitsuru and Rika

A beautiful temple.

I love the architecture and the scenery.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired

Just spent the weekend with Dad, Erik, and my boyfriend John. It was so much fun. We got a rental car and drove to Las Vegas for the BYU vs. UNLV game. Sorry for the language, but those Rebels got SPANKED! Very good game. I'm not quite sure of the final score - by the end of the game my very bad cold went from very bad to worse (This will be about the 7th time I've been sick this year, including my little bout with bronchitis in May). After that we all went out to a movie, and then back to the hotel for ice cream! By the end of the night my cold was terrible, I couldn't breathe and I was coughing about every 3 seconds, so my dad gave me this drink stuff I think was called ecanacia (can't spell it). It was like drinking liquid celery and watered-down pee. Ick! Don't ever drink stuff my dad gives you unless it's a life-or-death situation. I think I'll stick to NyQuil and knocking myself out till the cold has passed. Eww. On the other hand, I'm still alive - and coughing - and I still had so much fun hangin' out with the boys.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Snuggle Bug

Rosco has a morning "potty system" that he has come to understand quite well. When I have to wake up early, he gets to sleep in until I'm done taking a shower and getting dressed (he sleeps in my bed, completely under ALL of the sheets/comforter). He's usually awake by the time I get out of the shower and tries to rush me by pawing at the door letting me know "I gotta go!" But the other morning I got out of the shower and he was still just laying there so warm and cozy. Just poking his head out from under his "tunnel" (dachshunds love to burrow) and watching me. I had to pull him out to make him go to the bathroom!! What a lazy bum! He was so cute I had to take a picture.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Conference Weekend

Last weekend we went to Salt Lake for Conference and for Baby Christian's blessing. I was so excited because I was FINALLY going to be able to see my nephew. He's so beautiful. My mom accused me of being a "Baby Hog"... I don't know why. These are some of my favorite pictures from the weekend.

Can you tell that he's a Peterson??? If you look
at David's baby pictures there's some with that
exact expression.

I love the "smush face"

This one's for you Uncle Doug.

One day we'll actually get the WHOLE family.
It may be difficult, but I promise it will be done!

He looks like an angel. My mom made this blessing
gown in the late '70's and all of her babies wore it, and
now we're continuing the tradition with the grandbabies.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Cooking Anyone??

SO I've decided that steak, chicken, and anything else BBQ no longer work for me. The only propblem is, I'm the world's worst cook, and a picky eater. If anyone has ANY easy recipes..... PLEASE HELP!!!!!!! Thanks guys!