Team Edward - Because Jacob Has Fleas

Sunday, December 16, 2007


I promised I would actually do it. It's not that exciting, but I did it anyway.

25 Years ago: Not even a twinkle in my Mom's eye yet.

20 Years ago: Getting used to being a big sister, giving baby sister Meredith hugs and kisses.

15 Years ago: I was 7 years old. Getting used to having a new brother and enjoying Mrs. Lane's 2nd grade class. She was one of my favorite teachers.

10 Years ago: I was 12 years old and FINALLY got to be in Young Women like Julia and Kristen. I was so excited to be a BeeHive. It was like a right of passage for me. I was also in 7th grade at St. Anne's where I felt like I was making real friends for the first time (I had some touble with teasing in elementary school). I still talk to a couple of the girls from that school.

5 Years Ago: I was 17 years old, almost an "adult" and a Junior at Tesoro High School. Due to some unlucky circumstances I ended up doing 2 Sophomore years of High School. I was currently dating Nick, but a few months later we broke up and I started dating John, who I am still with!!

1 Year Ago: Waging war on the office Christmas decorations. I eventually surrendured. I had done all of my wrapping, and Rosco peed on 2 of the presents (fired!). My roommate Mitsuru had his friend Hideki from Japan living with us for a little while so we were having a blast and were sad to see him go back home. In July, Mitsuru went back to Japan and we miss him very much.

Yesterday: Dad gave me a day off of babysitting so I went back home to vista for the day. I was mortified by the mess that the boys SWEAR they're going to clean up before I get home. John and I went out to the Outback Steakhouse for dinner and went home and watched Shrek 1,2, and 3.

Today: I'm writing this instead of cleaning the house for the extended family like I was supposed to (ok I tried but I can't find the windex ANYWHERE!!!!). Later I'm going to go to the grocery store and buy the snacks that I'm going to enjoy.

5 Snacks I enjoyed: Oatmeal (breakfast), licorice, popcorn, a cookie and some chips (anyone else thinkin' the song "I Like Big Butts"????)

5 Things I Would Do With A Million Dollars: Cry. Buy myself that white Toyota Carolla S that I've been eyeballing. Start my own denim brand (I have a great idea but no fundage). Pay off my student loan. Get my tattoos removed. Take my mom and sisters on vacation for a "Girls Only Getaway" to Hawaii or Thailand.

5 Places I Would Run Away To: Forks, WA. Hawaii. The East Coast somewhere. The Sangveraphunsiri home (John's family). And the Temple when I can.

5 TV Shows I Like: What's TV??????? Just kidding. Ummm. Scrubs. Firends. Ummmm. What Not To Wear. The Real Housewives Of Orange County (just for giggles, not because I actually like the show.. it's completely rediculous). Ummmm. I really like to watch the Disney Origional Movies on TV (like Johnny Tsunami,Xenon and,of course, High School Musical).

5 Things I Hate Doing: Ultrasounding feet. Listening to crabby people. Filling up my gas tank. Getting ready for the day (feels like it takes way too long) but I can't start the day unless I'm showered and dressed. Stopping in the middle of a project to do something else. Urrrggghhhh!!!!

5 Biggest Joys Of The Moment: I'm home alone. It's almost Christmas time! David Kat and Christian, and Meredith and Josh are all coming home this week. I'm the coolest Aunt ever. I'm alive and have an awesome life with the coolest people in it.

I Tag Tracy Pickett!!!!!!


Cindy said...

I love hearing all about these details! So fun! It was good to see you tonight!

Love You--

Meredith said...

did you know cedric diggory from harry potter isplaying edward in the TWILIGHT movie set to come out dec 2008!!!!! woooot!

Cindy said...

Yeah on that one!

Cindy said...

Love the new look of your blog!